Monday 6 May 2013

The mystery of the haunted castle

It was a Sunday morning. Jake was getting ready for a hard day at the office. His boss had called him just a while ago,he sounded horrified. ''Perhaps it must be something important'',Jake thought mysteriously.He rushed to office.As he reached the entrance ,he saw his boss waiting for him furiously .He went and asked the boss what had happened. His boss told him in a worried look that two people had been killed in a castle near a church in saint Clara valley. He wanted Jake to investigate how they had been killed.The reward was of 1000 US $ . Jake had taken the challenge at hand.Excited and scared,he got ready for the investigation the next day.He went to saint Clara valley.He was too hungry that his stomach was growling very loudly.He saw a grocery shop. He sighed with a sign of relief.After he ate a hot dog with extra sauce and a burger with extra cheese,he asked the grocery man about the castle.With a scared sort of a face,the grocery man told him that the castle was haunted and nobody had gone there for years,and two people had been killed there yesterday.And the grocery man asked him''but why do you ask,don't tell me that you are going to investigate the castle''.Jake replied ''yes I am my dear friend''.''Be careful'' the grocery man replied.And then Jake entered the castle with a scared feeling.    

 He entered the castle,he was too horrified to notice that the entrance of the castle had closed by itself. Suddenly he saw a shadow running past him. His intuition told him he was being followed.He ran as fast as a cheetah out of the castle, rode his car home as fast as he could.

 He reached home,he went down stairs to the library to get the fear off.He was about to start reading the book 'OLIVER TWIST' by Charles dickens, he received a new message in his hand phone . He gazed at the shining screen of his hand phone.......He screamed at the top of his voice.''Why are you screaming''.said the weird guy sitting next to him.He held the phone and showed the message-I SAW YOU.Then it started making sense.The guy whose shadow was watching him sent this message.Just now his fears had begun.

Then he called his friends-Sam,James and Tim.They all gathered and went to Jake's house in a hurry.As they reached his house,Jake gave them some whole-grain biscuits and told them the matter.They thought for some time and Tim said ''I think we must go to saint Clara valley and get some clues about this castle you were taking about''.Jake and the others agreed to go to the castle at Sunday at the morning at 12:00 am.that night.

That night Sam had a scary dream that he was being haunted in a castle.He knew it was a warning!

It was a bright Sunday morning but not so bright for Jake and his friends.They gathered at East Ford bus stop.Tim's stomach was growling.So they rushed to a way-side restaurant.Tim ordered a meal of 4 which has 4 extra-cheese burger and some french fries.He took the tissue and wiped his face.face. Oops,too late!He forgot he had already dipped it in the tomato ketchup. His. face looked like it was covered with blood. Then he went to the washroom to wash his face. Boof!there stood a face covered with blood.He screamed  and brought everyone to his attention.When his friends saw him screaming at his own reflection,they burst out laughing.Tim knew this was a warning .

After all was done, they were heading for the castle.They were eager but also horrified to explore the castle.

After they entered the castle,Tim wanted to keep the door open.But before he reached there,bang!the door got closed . They all got terrified and tried to open the door.But they failed.Suddenly Tim started to scream as he saw a sign written in blood on the stained wall saying DEATH IS THE ONLY WAY OUT.Then James said ''Let's all call the police''.They all took out their cellphones and dialled 999.AAH. they all screamed as a  red eyed monster-like creature's picture filled thier cellphone screen.It also had a message stating HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO DIE??

Tim fainted on looking at the picture.The others tried to wake him up,but he was out cold.Sam had a bottle of water with him,so he threw the water on Tim's face.The moment the water touched his face,he woke up with a startled look on his face.They all started encouraging him to not be frightened.Finally he was confident to explore the castle.Then they all saw a pack of ghosts,5 vampires,and many things floating in the air.The moment the all saw it,the all started to run.The monsters were all chasing them till they reached a room and shut the door.After some time,when Sam took a peep through a small hole in the door,he said the coast was clear.Then they went for exploring.

First they explored the hallway.It was full of mirrors.Then Tim saw something that caught his eye.A shelf with only one book.He went and picked the book.POOF!.A cloud of smoke appeared.Everyone heard the sound.When they all went to look what had happened,they were amazed.It was a room full of computers with lots of buttons with the name of the monsters written on them.Then Tim said ''I think this is how the ghosts were activated.''But someone should  control them,otherwise they can't move on their own.''Sam added.''I think we should explore this house some some more.''James said. Suddenly they heard a ghoulish voice speaking. ''GO AWAY FROM THIS HAUNTED MANSION,OR YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE''.  

Jake and his friends ran for thier lives from the castle. They all got some burgers and played xbox. 

                                 THE END

Thursday 2 May 2013


Clouds are fluffy,
clouds are stuffy.
They float around
but they dont touch the ground.

They give us rain,
but reduces the pain.
They give us lightning,
which is very frightning.

they are very big
and some kinda look like a wig
but after all east or west
clouds are the best.